日本財団 図書館

4. The raising objection shall not suspend the execution of the original ruling provided. However, the original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency may suspend the execution after asking the opinion of the Commissioner.

(Forwarding of Documents Concerned and Real Evidences)

Article 70. When the raising objection is presented, the original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall forward the protocol of inquiry, other documents concerned and real evidences to the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency if necessary.

2. The High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency may request the original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency to forward the protocol of inquiry, other documents concerned and real evidences.

(Objection Raised and Suspension of Execution of the Original Ruling)

Article 71. When the raising objection is presented, the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency may suspend the execution of the original ruling by means of a ruling after asking the opinion of the Commissioner.

2. In the case of paragraph 1, the High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall forward a copy of the written ruling to the original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.

(Ruling on the Objection Raised)

Article 72. The High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall make a ruling to the raising objection after asking the opinion of the Commissioner.

2. When the raising objection is presented in contravention of the proceedings or the reason of its is not recognized, the ruling of dismissal in connection with the raising objection shall be made.

3. The ruling under paragraphs 1 and 2 is not required to be accompanied by the reason therefor.

(Notification of the Ruling to the Original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency)

Article 73. The High Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency shall notify its ruling related to the raising objection to the original Local Marine Accidents Inquiry Agency.




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