日本財団 図書館

Democratic activist Martin Lee sees the framework of Hong Kong as cracked without visible change. Lee expressed his disappointment over the leadership of Tung Chee-hwa, saying he has always ended up to stand by the Central government on every important issue. The Basic Law has been violated with the revision passed last April, which allows China's government liaison offices including media organizations not to be bound by the Basic Law. What is major change in relation with the Central government? Lee responded that the economic position has reversed when facing the currency crisis. Hong Kong was expected to lead China in economy, however, Hong Kong now is seeking China's decision.

Referring to media freedom in Hong Kong, self-censorship is pressed on issues relating to China, and direct criticism on the Hong Kong administrative office remains active. Lee has been puzzled why he has not been admitted to China since he has been working hard in improving his country, China, World Weekly reported. (21)


The Tokyo Shimbun quoted a report of South China Morning Post saying as that President Jian Zemin is concerned about Clinton's sexual scandal which might affect his promise of "three-nos" and enables the US congress to reverse his policy toward Taiwan. The Chinese government ordered its media not to report independent prosecutor Starr's report over Monica Lewinsky. Violators would be punished.(22)


The Nihon Keizai Shimbun quoted a report of South China Morning Post saying a Beijing think tank suggested the government to give more authority to Taiwan than to Hong Kong in order to solve Taiwan issue. The new suggestion includes that China has no authority for the appointment of administrative offices and diplomacy.(23)


Editorial writer of Chinese Economic Daily has been detained by Beijing Public Security Bureau since September 5, 1998. Hong Kong Journalists Association sent an open letter to Prime Minister Zhu Rongji contesting the arrest violated the criminal code and human rights, Yomiuri Shimbun reported. (24)


The performance of Tung Chee-hwa in his first year as the Chief Executive of the SAR is disappointing, said the NIRA Review. The verdict by the community is clear. The performance of Tung and his government has been criticized by people from all walks of life. According to polls carried out by the University of Hong Kong, the support rating of Tung fell from a peak of 68 percent in September in 1997 to 55 percent in early August 1998. The percentage of people satisfied with the overall performance of the government fell sharply from 40 percent in July 1997 to 23 percent in August 1998, whereas the percentage of those who felt dissatisfied jumped from 17 percent to 41 percent during the same period.





