日本財団 図書館

A series of incidents affecting media freedom is happening in Hong Kong - criticism targeted to Hong Kong Public Radio by an influential politician and recent Paris media incident. Tsui Sze-men, Standing Committee Member urged the public media to serve the government interest. In response to Mr. Tsui's remark, Administrative Secretary Anson Chan protected the public radio, saying it has also mission to reflect voice of the public, Tokyo Shimbun reported. (13)


Asahi Shimbun quoted Hong Kong monthly magazine, Trend, as saying Prime Minister Zhu Rongii's remarks on the adoption of democratic election system were altered under the instruction of Jiang Zemin. According to the magazine, Prime Minister Zhu expressed that more consideration on election system is needed by admitting difference of Chinese political systems compared to other countries. (14)


Financially troubled Asia TV has invited participation of US based pro-China conglomerate. Wang Po-yan, Hong Kong Basic Law Committee Vice Chairman will be appointed as new president of the TV station. The new company will have a Chinese-American media producer as head of management, Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported. (15)


Substitute War involves newspapers over the legislature election, it is obvious that pro-China newspapers support candidates who are voicing support for the Central government. Apple Daily expressed its support for the candidates who have lost their former legislative positions due to their refusal of the creation of temporary legislation, Asahi Shimbun reported. (16)


Broadcasting of the completed film on The Fact of Xinjiang Separation was cancelled suddenly. The document film depicted the independence movement staged by one of Chinese minorities, Islam religious residents in the Xinjiang autonomy. The central government denied that such a movement did not exist.

Liang, Hong Kong Journalist Association head emphasized why Hong Kong has become the most successful international city because there has been freedom and free flow of world information, Asahi Shimbun reported. (17)





