日本財団 図書館

The new legislature was elected on May 24 under arrangements that diluted the power won by the popular pro-democracy forces in favor of establishment groups close to China: these pro-Beijing bodies are expected to become pro-government bodies. Undcr British rule, government officials appointed to the legislature served the same function. The new attitude of the pro-Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, for example, whose political party, the Democratic Alliance for Betterment of Hong Kong, or DAB, won nine seats in the elections, is assumed up as "supporting the government on major issues while disagreeing on minor issues," according to the Beijing-Run Wen Wei Po newspaper. "This is progress in civilization! This is the new SAR culture!" the newspaper declared in early May.

There are indications, however, that Hong Kong people will not simply resign themselves to being treated as colonial subjects. True, satisfaction levels with China's handling of Hong Kong affairs have risen continuously since the handover, reaching 67% by April compared with 45% at the handover, according to the Hong Kong Transition project, a respected local academic group. But as economic recession takes hold - unemployment is at a 15-year high of 4%--demands for more help for the jobless, among others, is expected to grow.

If Beijing and the Hong Kong government remain aloof from popular demands, anger at the polls may turn into anger on the streets. Just one week after the elections, for example. Democratic Party member Albert Chan led a demonstration of angry property-owners in danger of losing their homes. "We have worked very hard," says C.K. Lee, his voice trembling with emotion as he marches outside the main government building. "We have no confidence at all in the government - they only help the developers, not the citizens."

Tung now finds himself in the unfortunate position of welcoming a feisty new legislature just as he delivers Hong Kong's worst economic news in a decade. These two factors will test his leadership skills and his executive-led style of government, which now must compete with different factions in the legislature for public support for its policies.

It also remains to be seen if and how the government will cooperate with its newly minted opposition, for whom the economic crisis is also a challenge: the pro-democracy camp will have to demonstrate that it can be a credible opposition on all issues, not just those that deal with political reform.





