日本財団 図書館

Proponents of RTHK's independence, however, view Xu's remarks as an escalation of the tug-of-war over the station's status, a debate that predates the handover. In 1992, RTHK tries to recast itself to resemble Britain's state-funded British Broadcasting Corporation, a move that would have granted it significant freedom from the government. But the attempt failed, and ever since the station has felt itself targeted by those who prefer to see it as a government mouthpiece.

At the same time, the history of RTHK has been one of "increasing independence" ever since the Joint Declaration of 1984, says Cliff Bale, a reporter for the station and secretary of its Programme Staff Union. The reward for hard-earned independence is a lion's share of credibility - the public has consistently identified RTHK as the SAR's fairest news source, according to surveys. (3)


In a special report, "Press Freedom Under the Dragon, Can Hong Kong's Media Still Breathe Fire?" A Lin Neumann said:

It did not take long for the Hong Kong Journalists Association to serve notice on Executive Secretary Tung Chee-Hwa that it would be watching his office closely. On July 10,1997 just days after the handover of Hong Kong to China by the British, the HKJA sent Tung a letter criticizing perceived "favorable treatment given to official Chinese state news agencies in coverage of the handover.

The group complained that China Central Television was given special access to some of Tung's early official appearances. "If Chinese official media have privileges in reporting, then news and information will very likely be held in the hands of the official media; seriously threatening press freedom, " said the letter, signed by HKJA's Chair, Carol Lai.

It was the kind of outspoken approach that has become the hallmark of the HKJA. Currently in its 29th year, with some 500 members, it is the largest press association in the territory and has lobbied consistently for the continuation of Hong Kong's free press under Chinese rule. The group says it will tolerate no backward movement in the battle for free expression. In their letter, the journalists urged Tung to "make efforts to preserve the existing media coverage system, which is based on fairness for all involved." In response, Tung's office called the incident a misunderstanding.

HKJA vice chairman Liu Kin-ming, a frequent and vocal critic of Beijing, said it is the association's responsibility to remain engaged with the new administration of Tung Chee-Hwa and to fight any effort to curb the liberties enjoyed by Hong Kong's reporters and editors. He summed It up this way in an interview with CPJ: "To my colleagues, I ask them to please say no to the censor. To the publishers, I say, without your support we cannot win this battle. And to the outside world: Keep your eyes on Hong Kong."





