日本財団 図書館

In addition, extra-long-term projections covering 50 years from 2051 to 2100 are presented for reference. Using the estimates of 1995 Population census as of October l, 1995 for a base, population projections are made by calculating the number of survivors of the base population in the future years, and, for the newly-born population, by estimating the number of survivors of the live births calculated for the future years.


COMPREHENSIVE SURVEY OF LIVING CONDITION OF THE PEOPLE ON HEALTH AND WELFARE (Statistics and Information Department, Ministry of Health and Welfare)

This survey has been conducted since 1986, every three years as large scale survey and in intenm years as a small scale survey, by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. It aims at ascertaining the actual conditions of the households which constitute the most basic units of the national life, for the purpose of contributing to the effective and pertinent planning and management of the health and welfare administration.

The survey is a sampling survey covering all the households and their household members within the stratified sample districts chosen at random from the enumeration districts of the 1995 Population Census(however, excluding households whose head is an alien and persons taken in social welfare institutions), and questionnaires are distributed and collected by the enumerators through the channels of prefectures, designated cities and health centers. The 1995 survey, the fifth large scale one, was taken as of June for about 270,000 households and its members in 5,100 districts for household and health survey, and as of July for about 40,000 households and its members in 2,000 districts for income and savings survey. It was excluding Hyogo prefecture due to the effects of the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. The 1996 survey, the small scale one, was taken as of June for about 50,000 households and its members in 1,048 districts for household survey, and as of July for about 9,000 households and its members in 500 districts for income survey.


Households of the aged

Households of the aged is referred to households consisting of male of 65 years and over and/or female of 65 years old and over, or with the addition of unmarried child(ren) under 18 years old.


Mother and child(ren) household

Mother and child(ren) household is referred to a household consisting of female of 20 to 59 years old without spouse and her child(ren) under 20 years old only.


Father and child(ren) household

Father and child(ren) household is referred to a household consisting of male of 20 to years old without spouse and his child(ren) under 20 years old only.





