Standing for Aged Society
The issue of rising proportion of population above the age 65 and over, referred to as population aging, is a central subject of research among social scientists. This is because, in every society, the socio-economic effects of a growing aged population is a critical issue for social policy. It is important for demographers and other scientists to study the effects of population aging and to offer guide toward social formulation.
This volume of the statistical tables provides basic information relevant to the aging of population to all of users. In Chapter 1, basic demographic indicators, including population, vital statistics, households, and the result of the latest population projections are shown as general information on aging in Japan. The tables in Chapter 2 deal with trends in the labor force, income and housing among elderly. Chapter 3 considers from different angle appropriate way of handling the health conditions among elderly and the general context of social welfare in Japan. In Chapter 4, daily activities, including lifelong education, and social participation among elderly are shown, Chapter 5 consists of two topics among elderly, including housing and living conditions. Finally, Chapter 6 offers regional statistics relevant to the aging population based on the data by prefecture.