日本財団 図書館

28) Department of Health,Partnership in Action-New Opportunities for joint Working Between Health and Social Services,1998

29) Department of Health,Saving Our Lives:Our Healthier Nation-White Paper,Cm 4386,1999

30) Department of Health,Working in Partnership-Joint Working Between Healh and Social Services in Primary Care Groups (PCGs),1999

31) Baker,M(1998)、前出

32) Department of Health,Modernising Social Services:Promoting Independnce,Improving Protection,Raising standards-White Paper,Cm 4169,1998

33) Department of Health,Community Care(Direct Payment)Act1999:Draft Policy and Practice Guidance Consultation Paper,1999

34) Department of Health,Press Release 1/2/2000(2000/0060),2000

35) Department of Health,Fit for the Future?; National Required Standards for Residential and Nursing Homes for Older People,1999

36) Department of Health,Press Release 2/12/99(1999/728)

37) Local Government Information Unit,Special Briefing No 53、前出

38) Department of Health,Caring about Carers,1999

39) Department of Health,Press Release 28/1/2000(2000/0055)

40) Department of Social Security,Pensions Green Paper,1998

41) Department of Social Security,Building a Better Britain for Older People,1998

42) Department of the Environment,Transport and the Regions,Modernising Government-White Paper,Cm 4310,1999

43) Department of Health,A New Approach to Social Services Performance,1999

44) Department of Health,A New Approach to Social Service Performance:Consultation Responses and Confirmation of Performance Indicators,Local Authority Circular LAC(99)27,1999

45) Bridgend County Borough Council,Best Value Review Toolkit 1999/2000,1999

46) Department of the Environment,Transport and the Regions,Modernising Local Government-In Touch with the People,White Paper,1998

47) Department of the Environment,Transport and the Regions、前出

48) Local Government Information Unit,Modernising Government,Special Briefing No 55,September 1999

49) Better Government for 0lder People (BGOP),The First Year Report 1998-1999,1999

50) Department of Health,Press Release 3/12/99(1999/0732)

51) Department of Health,Better Care,Higher Standards-A Charter for Long Term Care,1999

52) Local Government Information




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