(2) Symptoms and Name of Disease, Drug Substances, the Related Terms
I. Itemize symptoms
(1) Internal medicine
(A) Respiratory System
Name of disease
1]tuberculosis 2](bronchial) asthma 3]pneumonia 4]pleurisy 5]pneumothorax
6]bronchiectasis 7]pulmonary emphysema 8]cold 9]pulmonary tuberculosis
10]acute bronchitis 11]chronic bronchitis 12]fibrosis of the lung
13]German measles, rubella 14]chicken pox
(B) Circulatory System
1]low blood pressure 2]high blood pressure 3]arrhythmia 4]tachycardia
Name of disease
1]angina pectoris 2]myocardial infarction 3]arrhythmia 4]essential hypertension
5]encephalitis (meningitis) 6]cerebral apoplexy 7]cerebral thrombosis
8]cerebral hemorrhage
(C) Digestive System
1]feel nauseous 2]good appetite 3]normal appetite 4]little appetite 5]waterly stool
6]soft stool 7]bloody stool 8]heart burn 9]belch 10]with empty stomach
Name of disease
1]gastric ulcer 2]acute gastritis 3]peptic ulcer 4]enteritis 5]ulcerative colitis
6]acute hepatitis 7]chronic hepatitis 8]liver cirrhosis 9]gallstones 10]cholecystitis
11]diabetes mellitus (sugar diabetes) 12](chronic) gastritis 13]gastroptosis
14]tumor of the stomach 15]peritonitis 16]jaundice 17]pancreatitis 18]nephritis
19]nephrosis 20]pyelitis 21]pyelonephritis 22]calculus 23]duodenal ulcer