IV. ICE treatment (see Application Volume (3) 80P *36P)
Ankle sprain is a trauma that frequently occurs in daily life. When injured, cool the region initially with ice water, etc. At the same time, it is better to apply an elastic bandage for the prevention of swelling for at least 30 min. Then keep the legs elevated as high as possible. The procedure consisting of icing, compression, and elevation is called ICE treatment; the same procedure preceded by rest is sometimes called RICE treatment.
V. Sprain
This is one type of articular trauma. It occurs when a periarticular ligament or articular capsule is extended or cut by an external force applied to the joint with a movement that exceeds normal ranges. The severity of the sprain is divided into three grades.
1]Mild: a slightly extended ligament. Mild swelling and pain are seen in a relatively restricted region.
2]Moderate: a partially cut ligament. Extensive swelling, a pain, and subcutaneous hemorrhaging are seen, sometimes with hemarthrosis. No joint instability is observed.
3]Severe: a completely cut ligament. A characteristic feature other than marked swelling and pain is joint instability.
Guides for fixation and rest:
Mild: rest for 3-7 days
Moderate: rest for 3 weeks and rehabilitation for 2-3 weeks
Severe: surgery is often performed; as conservative treatment (in case of no surgery), fixed in place with rest for 6-8 weeks and rehabilitation for 3-6 weeks