日本財団 図書館


When the assembly has passed a resolution to substitute audit based on an individual external audit contract for audit by the audit commissioners in response to the demand for individual external audit involving a demand for general audit, the chief executive shall, in accordance with Cabinet Order, conclude with one party only an individual external audit contract relating to the matters involved in the said demand.



Prior to concluding an individual external audit contract in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the chief executive of the ordinary local public body concerned shall seek the opinion of the audit commissioners and obtain a resolution of the assembly.



The determination of the opinion mentioned under paragraph 3 or under the preceding paragraph shall be by the mutual consent of the audit commissioners.



The individual external audit contract of paragraph 5 shall stipulate the matters listed below.

(1) Matters relating to the demand for individual external audit involving a demand for general audit

(2) The period of the individual external audit contract

(3) The method of calculation of the amount to be paid to the person concluding the individual external audit contract, for the cost of the audit.

(4) Other matters (other than those listed above) determined by Cabinet Order as being necessary for an audit based on an individual external audit contract.



When the chief executive of an ordinary local public body concludes an individual external audit contract in accordance with paragraph 5, he or she shall give immediate notification of the matters mentioned in items 1 to 3 of the preceding paragraph and other matters determined by Cabinet Order.



When the chief executive of a body targeted for a comprehensive external audit contract concludes an individual external audit contract in accordance with paragraph 5 with the comprehensive external auditor of the said targeted body, the provisions of paragraph 6 shall not apply. In such case, the period of the individual external audit contract shall not exceed the period of the comprehensive external audit contract stipulated in the contract concluded by the said targeted body, and the method of calculation of the amount to be paid to the person concluding the individual external audit contract be based on the method of calculation of the amount to be paid to the person concluding the comprehensive external audit contract.





