日本財団 図書館


The provisions of each of the preceding paragraphs shall apply mutatis mutandis in the event that the mayor of a city, town or village violates any legal stipulation in regard to law or a cabinet order founded in law coming under the charge of a Minister or the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken in the handling or implementation of a type 1 Statutory entrusted function, or violates the handling of the same by the said Minister or governor, or neglects to handle or implement the said Statutory entrusted function, and the rectification of the said violation or neglect by any measures other than those specified in this paragraph is difficult, in addition to which failure to rectify the problem will clearly impair the public interest. In such case, "Minister" in each of the preceding paragraphs shall be read as "the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken"; "the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken" shall be read as "the mayor of a city, town or village," and "the area of the said To, Do, Fu or Ken" shall be read as "the area of said city, town or village."



A Minister may, in respect of matters under his or her charge, with regard to the handling or implementation by a city, town or village of type 1 Statutory entrusted functions relating to laws and cabinet orders founded in law, give the governor of the To, Do, Fu or Ken necessary directions relating to the steps to be taken in accordance with the stipulations of paragraphs l through 8 above to which the preceding paragraph applies mutatis mutandis.



Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 3 of Article 43 of the Administrative Litigation Act, the provisions of paragraph 2 of Article 41 of the same shall not apply mutatis mutandis to the suit mentioned in paragraph 3 of this Article (including cases to which paragraph 12 of this Article applies, the same inclusion being applicable to paragraph 15 below).



With regard to matters relating to the suit mentioned in paragraph 3 not covered by any of the preceding paragraphs and necessary for the furtherance of the hearing, including the time limit within which allegations and the tender of testimony are to be made, shall be specified in the Rules of the Supreme Court.


(Standards of Performance)


Article 245-9.

With regard to the performance of the Statutory entrusted functions of To, Do, Fu or Ken relating to law or cabinet order founded in law under his or her charge, a Minister may specify the standards according to which the To, Do Fu or Ken shall handle the said Statutory entrusted functions.



With regard to the performance of the following Statutory entrusted functions by a city, town or village, the following executive organs of the To, Do, Fu or Ken may specify the standards according to which the city, town or village shall handle the said Statutory entrusted functions. In this case, the standards of the executive organs of the To, Do, Fu or Ken under the following paragraph shall not contravene the standards of any Minister.





