日本財団 図書館

(1) The following actions carried out with respect to an ordinary local public body

1] Advice or Recommendation

2] Request for submission of data

3] Request for rectification (in the event that the handling of affairs of an ordinary local public body is illegal or markedly lacking in propriety and clearly impairs the public interest. a demand that the said ordinary local public body rectify the said illegality or impropriety or take the necessary steps for improvement; an ordinary local public body receiving the said request must rectify the illegality or impropriety or take the necessary steps for improvement.)

4] Consent

5] Permission, authorization or approval

6] Direction

7] Execution by proxy (in the event that the handling of affairs by an ordinary local public body violates legal stipulations or that the said ordinary local public body fails to handle the affairs, taking steps to rectify the matter on behalf of the said ordinary local public body.)


(2) Consultation with ordinary local public bodies


(3) In addition to the actions listed in the preceding two items, any action concretely and individually involving an ordinary local public body in order to achieve a specific administrative purpose (with the exception of arbitration or other actions aimed at conciliation of the conflicting interests of two parties (only when the action is addressed to both parties), and the adjudication, determination or other actions towards demands for review, objections and other complaints.)





