日本財団 図書館


As for a fund established under paragraph 1 in order to operate a fixed amount of money for a specific purpose, the chief executive shall, in each fiscal year, prepare a document stating the status of its operation, submit it to audit commissioners for audit and present it with their comments to the assembly together with the documents referred to in paragraph 5 of Article 233.



The comments mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be determined by the mutual agreement of the audit commissioners.



Each fund shall, according to the nature of property belonging thereto, be administered in accordance with the ordinary procedures for the collection of revenues or disbursement, the receipt, expenditure or custody of treasury cash, the custody or disposal of public property or movables, or the administration of claims.



Except as specified in paragraphs 2 through the preceding paragraph, necessary matters related to the administration and disposal of a fund shall be prescribed by bylaw.


Section X. Demand for Audit and Suit by Inhabitants


(Demand for Audit)


Article 242.

If any inhabitant of an ordinary local public body find that the chief executive or any commission or commissioner or any person in the service of the ordinary local public body has illegally or improperly disbursed public money, procured, administered or disposed of public property, concluded or performed contracts or incurred obligations or burdens or is anticipated with a high certainty to do so, or if he/she find that there is any illegal omission in levy or collection of public money or administration of public property, he/she may make petition to the audit commissioner(s) with corroborating documents for audit thereon to prevent or correct such act or omission, or to take necessary measures for indemnification of the losses incurred by the ordinary local public body on account of such act or omission.



Such petition may not be made after one year has passed from the day of the act or of the completion of the act, except where there is any proper reason.



When a demand has been made in accordance with the stipulations of paragraph 1, the audit commissioner(s) shall carry out an audit thereon, and, if the demand be found unwarranted, inform the petitioner according to the stipulations of the same paragraph (hereafter referred to as "the petitioner") to that effect in writing, giving a statement of reasons and shall at the same time make a public announcement of the same. If the demand be found warranted the audit commissioner(s) shall make recommendation to the assembly, the chief executive or other executive organs or officers of the said ordinary local public body for necessary measures to be taken within the period specified, and shall also inform the petitioner of the contents of the said recommendation and make a public announcement of the same.





