日本財団 図書館


The purpose of issuance, the maximum amount, the method of issuance, interest rate and the method of liquidation of such public bonds shall be fixed in the budget.


(Revenue Collections)


Article 231.

Revenues shall be collected by fixing the amount claimable and notifying the obligor of such claim, as provided by cabinet order.


(Stamps, etc.)


Article 231-2.

The ordinary local public body may issue stamps for collection of charges and fees, as provided by bylaw.



When revenues are collected by means of stamps, sales of stamps shall be credited to the revenues.



Revenues of the ordinary local public body where a banking institution is designated in accordance with Article 235 may, as provided by cabinet order, be paid in by means of transfer account or in securities, except those revenues to be paid in stamps.



If securities paid in accordance with the preceding paragraph be repudiated, such revenue shall be considered as having been on-existent from the beginning. Necessary matters concerning the disposition of such repudiated securities shall be fixed by cabinet order.



Except in cases revenues are to be paid in stamps, cities, towns or villages where no banking institution is designated in accordance with Article 235 may, as provided by cabinet order, accept the commission from their obligor of collecting money on securities presented by him/her and of making payment with the money so collected.




Article 231-3.

If any one shall default any assessment, charge, initial charge, fee or fine or whatever else he/she is to pay to the ordinary local public body, the chief executive thereof shall fix a time limit and so notice him/her.



Upon such defaulter may be charged a fee as well as overdue interest, as provided by bylaw.



If any one shall default any assessment, charge, initial charge, fine or such fee or other payment as may be specified by law, and if the time limit fixed under paragraph 1 shall have expired, the chief executive may institute execution proceedings against him/her in the same manner as against any delinquent of local taxes. In the right of priority, such claim shall precede all the other claims but national and local taxes.





