日本財団 図書館

Pneumatic Level Gauge


Pneumatic Level Gauge "Level Pneuman" for Water Ballast Tanks in Dry Cargo Ships


Musasino Co., Ltd. has completed for commercial supply a relatively low cost level gauge which requires no complex installation procedure. The new product is expected to prove useful for ensuring safe cargo handling, rationalization of ballasting and deballasting, and labor saving when installed in the water ballast tanks of dry cargo ships, such as bulk carriers and containerships, ferries and utility ships.

The pneumatic level gauge "Level Pneuman," equipped with an air pump built into the terminal box of the detector, is designed to require neither compressed air supply from the engine room nor compressed air piping, but needs only electric wiring for the dual purposes of power supply and signal transmission.


Level Pneuman


Schematic Diagram



Main Specifications


・Type: Independent type pneumatic gauge with an air pump built into the terminal box of the detector

・Explosion-proof structure: Non-intrinsic safety against explosion

・Protective Structure: IP66

・Measuring range: 10 m at the maximum (optionally 20 m at the maximum)

・Liquid to be measured: Fresh water or sea water (any other liquid may as well be measured subject to consultation)

・Detective accuracy: ±1.25%

・Reading accuracy: ±2.50%

・Working temperature: 0 to 50℃

・Air pump: Electric reciprocating two-stroke

・Main motor: D.C. pulse motor

・Transmission system: Serial transmission of digital signals

・Display device: Digital indicator of collective switching type or independently displaying digital indicator

・External output: RS232C (optional)

・Power source: 24 V D.C.

・Power consumption: 25 W/unit at the maximum




(1) As the detector can self-supply the required compressed air, there is no need to either design or lay unnecessary and precise compressed air piping.

(2) The instrumentation is wholly housed in the terminal box of the detector, and accordingly is easy to maintain and inspect.

(3) The same line can be used for power supply to the air pump and level signal transmission in a loop arrangement (optional), resulting in simplified wiring.

(4) As the capacity is no larger than sufficient to fill the pneumatic piping of the measurement in the tank, the required air quantity is small, and a small-capacity air pump suffices.

(5) After power supply is turned on in the centralized remote control room, the detector, as soon as its operation and control enter into an automatic process, performs self-diagnosis and issues an alarm whenever required.




Musasino Co., Ltd.

Address: 2-15, Minami-Yukigaya 1-chome, Ohta-ku, Tokyo 145-0066

Tel: +81-3-3726-4412 Fax: +81-3-3726-1557 URL: http://www.musasino.co.jp/





