日本財団 図書館

2 Particulars of the Technical File

2.1 Technical File identification / approval number

2.2 Technical File approval date

2.3 The Technical File, as required by chapter 2 of the NOx Technical Code, must always accompany an engine throughout its life.


3 Specifications for the On-board NOx Verification Procedures for the Engine Parameter Survey

3.1 On-board NOx verification procedures identification / approval number

3.2 On-board NOx verification procedures approval date

3.3 The specifications for the on-board NOx verification procedures, as required by chapter 6 of the NOx Technical Code, must always accompany an engine through its life.




THIS IS TO CERTIFY that this Record is correct in all respects.


Issued by the Government of Japan, _____________________________.(Date of issue)






Inspection and Measurement Div.

Maritime Technology and Safety Bureau

Ministry of Transport




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