日本財団 図書館

Consequently, in regard to D 5311 Standard Test Method for Load Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Soil, to our regret, it is not planned to conduct the test in next year. As a reference, I would like to measure the permeability of the samples following the suggestion by Canada in DSC 3/11/5.


3.1 Basic understanding - coordinator's comments (5)

a) Please continue to look for the materials suitable for the test.


3.2 Looking for materials

We would like to conduct the test for the materials mentioned by Canada. Probably, I will request Canada to arrange the sample, especially, Carol Loke iron ore concentrate.


4 State of the art data and consideration by JIS

We appreciate Canada for the advices.

Because the requirement for cargoes which may liquefy has already entered into force and the scope of the application of the requirement involves ambiguity, we recognize that the scope of the requirement should be clarified as early as possible. In such circumstance, we consider that the paramount issue is the accumulation of data of liquefaction potential test and TMLs to evaluate the effectiveness of the liquefaction potential test, internationally. We would like to consider the other works after the international evaluation of the test.


Enclosure (2) : Preliminary draft of the report

3 Granulated slags is included in the twenty one general names of the cargoes to which the requirement is applied by Japanese regulation in case they may liquefy during the voyage.

4 We reflected comment by Canada in the draft report. (See enclosure (3).)

5 See the comment in paragraph 2.3. The discussion is reflected in the draft report.

Enclosure (3) : Draft of the progress report


(提案文書案は、提案文書(DSC 5/5/8)に近い内容なので、省略する。)

Explanation of the draft progress report

Explanation of the draft report


Paragraph 2

There is no comments by Norway in the C.G. I would like to invite Norway to comment on the inclusion of your country in the C.G.


Paragraph 3

There was a comment by Canada. The explanation of Japanese national legislation was changed to avoid being misunderstood.


Paragraph 4

There was a comments by Canada. The words "in general" were added at the end of the first sentence. A new sentence was added to reflect the comments by Canada. The words "in practical manner" were added at the end of the last sentence. In the last sentence, the expression "a part of members was of the opinion" was used, because the pros and cons of the necessity of new test procedure was not clear.


Paragraph 5

This paragraph was rewritten reflecting the comments by Canada.




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