日本財団 図書館

The 1997 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, published its Designation: D 5311 Standard Test Method for Load Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Strength of Soil.


This test method covers the determination of the cyclic strength (sometimes called the liquefaction potential) of saturated soils, etc...

Would our Coordinator consider submitting his excellent work to JIS in Tokyo so that its Paper become a National Japanese Standard?

The same 1997 Book of ASTM render the following Definitions:


Liquefaction - the process of transforming any soil from a solid state to a liquid state, usually as a result of increased pore pressure and reduced shearing resistance.


Liquefaction potential - the capability of a soil to liquefy or develop cyclic mobility.

1.1 c) Liquefaction (spontaneous liquefaction) - the sudden large decrease of the shearing resistance of a cohesionless soil. It is caused by a collapse of the structure by shock or other type of strain and is associated with a sudden but temporary increase of the prefluid pressure. It involves a temporary transformation of the material into a fluid mass.


2.1 Sorry it is not possible to obtain the characteristics as previously suggested.


2.3 Test results with ASTM D 5311 should be compared with the test results of your proposed methodology.


3.1 Coordinators comments(5):

a) The absence of time due to previous commitments prevents us the pleasure to provide you with the requested date. Perhaps you already have such info amassed during your research to evolve the Lab Methodology we are discussing.

b) An artificially controlled grain size distribution to produce test specimens having the same degree of uniformity, but varying proportions of the effective size. D10 is very acceptable for research purposes.

c) The test results of your proposed methodology should be compared with the test results of D 5311 to validate your proposal. The Proctor/Faberger method is not a Cyclic test method - it is based on Moisture Density relationships similar to one of Guerra's.


3.2 It is believed that copper, lead and zinc concentrates would be appropriate for the proposed tests. Carol Loke iron ore concentrate has already been tested extensively. However, should the coordinator require a sample, it may be possible to arrange it.


4.0 Several reports and papers have been presented at IMO during its BC and DSC Sessions, however non qualifies as State-of-the-Art data.


Should your research paper be considered by JIS, it would connote specified consensus and approval by the JIS Society. The approved Standard can be sold throughout the world as technical information.




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