日本財団 図書館

3.2 Heat accumulation storage test

The packages were stowed in a test room in which the ambient temperature was kept at 60 degrees centigrade to ensure the packages' surface temperature to be above 55 degrees centigrade. Thermocouples were set upon each package surface and at the center of the contents. The temperatures were recorded for more than 24 hours, basically, starting from the time at which the package surface temperature reached 55 degrees centigrade. The tests were conducted at the Nihongi-factory of NIPPON SODA CO., LTD. and Tosa-factory of NANKAI CHEMICAL IND. CO., LTD. on September 30, 1999 and October 21, 1999 respectively under working group members' supervision.


4 Results of tests

The temperatures at the packages' surfaces and the center of contents almost reached the ambient temperature gradually throughout the testing period of 24 hours without any significant change that would bring about a dangerous condition as shown on Table 2. Also, no significant change was found in the packages' surfaces and contents on visual inspection after the test.


5 Findings

The surface temperature of each package was heated to 55 degrees centigrade by setting the ambient temperature at 60 degrees centigrade. Then the temperature at each package's surface and at the center of its contents was measured. Results showed that no significant change occurred in surface or contents temperature during the period of 24 hours of observation that would bring about a dangerous condition.


From the above, it was confirmed that these packages containing Calcium Hypochlorite products can be transported safely as long as the IMDG Code stowage requirement "away from sources of heat where temperatures in excess of 55 degrees centigrade for a period of 24 hours or more will be encountered" is complied with.


Table I Details of the dangerous goods concerned



*1: HYPOCHLORITE,HYDRATED MIXTURE with not less than 5.5% but not more than 10% water

*2: HYPOCHLORITE,HYDRATED MIXTURE,DRY with more than 39% available chlorine





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