ZEKREET 135,000m3 LNG Carrier
1. ZEKREET is the eighth vessel for Qatargas LNG project which is the biggest LNG project to transport six million tons of LNG from Qatar to Japan utilizing ten (10) 135,000m3 LNG carriers.
2. In order to satisfy the "sistership"requirement by the owner/charterer, Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. (MES) is selected as the "Window Yard"and distributed all design drawings to other members in the consortium i.e. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.
3. Considerable improvement in power requirement is achieved by adopting fine hull form and MIPB (Mitsui Integrated Propel-ler Boss) with reaction rudder.
4. Soft start system utilizing inverter is applied to the cargo pumps, by which the cargo pump starts with gradually increasing voltage to eliminate shock to the liquid piping normally observed at pump start-ups.
5. For contingency, one set of Ship-to-Ship Transfer equipment including the following is supplied to each vessel in the fleet.
- twelve (12) cryogenic flexible hoses (250 mm dia. x 4m length)
- optical cable for ESDS link
- electric power cable
6. LNG eductor system connected to the partial secondary barrier is replaced with the vaporizer utilizing natural heat transfer.
7. CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) is used in actual design, such as hull form design and boiler furnace design.