The SRSS Formula for Prediction of Extremes of Liner Combination of Load Effects
A. Naess : Norwegian University of Science and Technology、他1名
Extreme Response of Nonlinear Structures With Low Damping Subjected to Stochastic Loading
A. Naess : Norwegian University of Science and Technology
A Consistent Approach to Riser Fatigue Analysis Including Diffraction
Per Teigen : STATOIL、他1名
Polynomialization of Viscous Drag Loading Using an Enhanced Moment-Based Hermite Approach
Michael A. Tognarelli : University of Notre Dame、他1名

OMAE98- 1421
Determination of the Probability of Failure of an Offshore Wind Energy Converter
Leon A. Harland : Delft University of Technology、他1名
The Creamer Transform : A Non-Linear Model for Steep Waves on Deep Water
Paul H. Taylor : University of Oxford
Blast Wall Strength Estimated Using Finite Displacement Theory
P. H. Taylor : University of Oxford、他2名
Estimating Bimodal Frequency-Direction Spectra From Surface Buoy Data Recorded During Tropical Cyclones
Kevin C. Ewans : Shell International Deepwater Services、他1名