OTC 8640
Slope Stabillity in the Deepwater Areas Off Mid-Norway
P. Bryn, S. R. Ostmo, R. Lien, and K. Berg, Norsk Hydro
ProductionA/S, and T. I. Tjelta, Statoil
OTC 8641
Shale Intrusions and Associated Surface Expressions-Examples From Nigerian and Norwegian Deepwater Areas
R. Heggland and E. Nygaard, Statoil
OTC 8642
Hydrate Hazards in the South Caspian Basin
E. Bagirov and I. Lerche, U. of South Carolina

OTC 8646
Seismically Integrated Geologic Modeling:Guntong Field, Malay Basin L. A. Wahrmund, S. J. Helwick, C. S. Calvert, R. E. Hill, R. S. Hubbard, V. Khare, and G. S. Wang, Exxon Production Research Co.
OTC 8647
Seismic Guided Mapping of Effective Porosity-A Case History
J. J. Reeves and W. H. Smith, GeoSpectrum Inc.
OTC 8648
Seismic Reservoir Monitoring: Application of Leading Edge Technologies in Reservoir Management
S. C. Key and B. A. Smith, Phillips Petroleum Co.
OTC 8649
Minimal Effort Time Lapse 3-D (TL3-D) Seismic Process
G. L. Kinsland, and L. M. Houston, U. of Southwestern Louisiana
OTC 8650
Voxel Technology
D. M. Roberts, BP Exploration
OTC 8651
Acquisition of 3D, 4C Seismic Data for Offshore Gulf of Mexico Time Lapse Studies
Dan Ebrom and Paul Krail, Texaco, and Larry Scott, Western Geophysical
OTC 8652
3-D Seismic Surveys Impact Significantly on Exploration and Production
E. O. Nestvold, Nestvold Consulting Intl. Inc.
OTC 8653
Introduction-Why Redevelopment of Ekofisk? Arne Holhjem, Phillips Petroleum Co.
OTC 8654
Ekofisk Area Reservoir Management and Redevelopment
G. H. Landa, W. H. Holm, and E. V. Hough, Phillps Petroleum Co. Norway
OTC 8655
Ekofisk II-Planning for Low Operating Costs Through Lifetime
R. O. Skrede, Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway
OCT 8656
2/4-X Topside Alliance-Criteria for Success
Olav Henriksen, 2/4XAlliance, and David Martin, 2/4X Section Lead
OTC 8657
An Integrated Team Approach to the Design, Construction, Start-Up and Operation of the World's Most Modern Drilling Rig
T. M. Croucher, Phillips Petroleum Co. Norway

OTC 8659
Directional Wave Polyspectra Beyond Stationarity
L. E. Borgman, U. of Wyoming
OTC 8660
Deterministic Decomposition and Prediction of Irregular Ocean Waves
Jun Zhang, Jiangang Wen, Jun Yang, and Igor Prislin, Texas A&MU.
OTC 8661
Nonstationary Wave Field Analysis Using New Harmonic Phase Tracking Technique
Paul Palo, Naval Facilities Engineering Service Center
OTC 8662
Higher-Order Spectral Analysis of TLP Tendon-Tension Data
E. J. Powers and E-J. Yi, U. of Texas, and P. Beynet and S. Bhat, Amoco
OTC 8664
Design Verification of a Composite Production Riser
D. D. Baldwin, Lincoln Composites; K. H. Lo, Shell Oil Products Co.; and J. R. Long, Stress Engineering Services
OTC 8865
Composite Production Riser-Manufacturing Develop-ment and Qualification Testing
M. D. Drey, Technical Products Group; J. R. Long, Stress Engineering Services Inc.; M. M. Salama, Conoco Inc.; and S. S. Wang, U. of Houston