日本財団 図書館

(6) Cleland, J., "A Regional Review of Fertility Trends in Developing Countries: 1960 to 1995," in W. Lutz (ed.), The Future Population of the World (rev. ed.), IIASA, 1996, pp, 47-72.

(7) World Resource Institute, World Resources 1994-95, Oxford University Press, 1994; Shiklomanov, I. A., "World Fresh Water Resources," in P. H., Gleick (ed.) Water in Crisis, Oxford U. P., 1993.

(8) Falkenmark, Malin, "Rapid Population Growth and Water Scarcity: The Predicament of Tomorrow's Africa," in K. Davis et al. (eds.), Resources, Environment, and Population: Present Knowledge, Future Options, Oxford U. P., 1991, pp. 33-56; Falkenmark, Malin et al., Population and Water Resources: A Delicate Balance, Population Bulletin, Population Reference Bureau, 1992.

(9) Outlaw, Tom G., et al., "Water Forever: Future of Population and Replaceable Water Supply- Revised Data", Population Action International, 1998. In the meantime, note that lkm3 (cubic kilometers) = 1 billion m3 (cubic meters = ton).

(10) Outlaw, Tom G., et al. (ibid)

(11) Cohen, Joel E., How Many People Can the Earth Support? W. W. Norton, 1995, Chapt. 14.

(12) Falkenmark suggests that even a country inclined to water shortage should secure at least 100 liters (= 0.1kg = 0.1m3) of water per capita per day for daily-life use including drinking and hand-washing. With this, the annual requirement becomes 0.1m3 x 365 days = 36.5m3. Falkenmark 1992 (ibid).

(13) Of 41,000km3 of utilizable amount of annual world replaceable flesh water, the stable replaceable amount of water supply is 14,600km3, of which 12,500km3 is said to be usable in residential areas. Of the latter, 35% or 4,430km3 is estimated to be actually used for irrigation, industries, and daily life. Sandra Postel's "Politics of Scarcity - Dividing the Waters", Worldwatch Papers 132, 1996.

Consumption Rates (U) computed based on the above figures are 30.5% for 12,500km3 and 10.8% for 4,430km3 against the utilizable amount of fresh water 41,000km3. Accordingly, U = 20% is not a very unrealistic value.

(14) Kates, R. W. et al., The Hunger Report: Update 1989, A. S. F. World Hunger Program, Brown University, 1989.

(15) Brown, Lester R. et al., Chinese Water Shortage Could Shake World Food Security, World-Watch Institute, 1998.





