日本財団 図書館

To solve the problem of the supply-demand imbalance of water resources, the Chinese government aims to emphasize the following points, on the basis of a review of past experiences.

(1) A better grasp of the actual situation of water resources, taking appropriate measures on the basis of irrigation districts and planning, and conducting rational utilization and exploitation of water resources in a graduated and focused manner.

(2) Further increase of the number of facilities for irrigation works and carrying out of several major constructions for water storage. To solve the problem of unbalanced time distribution of water resources in the way, for example, that the well known Changjiang Sanxia project or the Huang He Xiaolangdi project did. Also, transfer of water from one basin to another. To solve the problem of uneven regional distribution of water resources by, for example, the "Water Transport from South to North" project, in which water from the Changjiang is transported to the Huang He. At the same time, reinforcement of the functions of existing irrigation facilities.

(3) Stress on water saving. To introduce state-of-the-art technologies, implement scientific and well-planned water utilization, and increase the utilization rate of water. In the past, it was often the case that only extension of the irrigation area was focused upon, and not much attention was paid to improvement of the utilization rate of water. This tendency caused substantial waste of water due to overflow or leakage at the time of irrigation of farmlands. Aggressively implemented at present is water-saving farming, a major part of which is diffusion of the irrigation technologies of sprinkler and instillation. These technological improvements can save water requirements of a half or two thirds of the amount conventional irrigation methods used to need.

(4) Establishment of a new ecological balance by growing grass, planting trees, large-scale maintenance of water resources, and protection of the earth in the areas around water resources or the regions suffering from considerable washing-away of soil.





