日本財団 図書館











Over the last few decades, tourism has become one of the most important industries of the world. It is the largest generator of employment and its services range from travel, accommodation, catering, maintenance of culture and traditions especially the handicraft industry, to the preservation of ecosystems. The global improvement of the standard of living as well as the scientific and technical advancements facilitating travel, have contributed to people having more money and time to visit and experience cultures different from their own.

The World Tourism Organization, in its Tourism: 2020 Vision, has taken on the task of studying, analyzing and forecasting thc economic impacts of tourism so as to develop a credible economic statement of the size, significance and net contribution of tourism activity to guide the policy making of governments and thc private industry in the further development and improvement of their tourism industries into the next Millennium. The Organization's endeavour is to assist Member countries in upgrading the capabilities of tourism institutions to meet their needs by strengthening partnership between governments and private tourism operators, and in promoting the knowledge of the economic, social, cultural and environmcntal links and impacts of tourism, both at the national and regional levels.

This publication, ゛Outbound Statistics by Destination", produced by hc Asia-Pacific Tourism Exchange Center(APTEC)has made an extremely valuable contribution to WTO's work in this regard as it provides the reader with important tourism statistics of the main generating markets, The tourism information incorporated in the publication present an overall profile of the industry from countries spread out across the globe and provides an accurate analysis of the industry's growth over the last five years and also of thc effects made by the Asian financial crisis over the last two years or so. I am sure that this publication will meet the needs of the public and private tourism-related organizations in Japan as well as in the region.


Augusto Huescar

Chief of Statistics, Economic Analysis and Market Research





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