日本財団 図書館

6: In local assembly secretariats, audit commissions and personnel committees, in order to improve the system and specialist staff skills, joint training and mutual personnel exchanges should be carried out actively.


(2) Recruitment of varied talented staff

1: Local authorities should work to recruit varied talented staff through the holding of strict competitive examinations together with neighboring municipalities, and the implementation of other measures such as mid-career recruitment and recruitment in collaboration with neighboring municipalities.

2: Local authorities should be systematic in the recruitment of specialist skilled staff in the fields of welfare and construction and at the same time should consider the dispatch of specialist staff between local authorities.


6 Improvement of administrative services through computerization


(1) Improvement of services at service counters and integration of services

1: Residents' evaluation of the administration depends greatly on the treatment they receive at service counters and elsewhere. Local authorities should improve the service to residents through the implementation of a consistently pleasant reception attitude and a rectification of the tendency to sectionalize. The integration of service counters, to provide what is called a "one-stop service" should be looked into, to provide residents with a more convenient service.

2: Local authorities should integrate activities which are related or similar and try to provide an integrated service for the convenience of residents and at the same time, should strive for efficiency in administration.


(2) Promotion of computerization

1: Computerization is an extremely effective measure for promoting administrative reforms and improving administrative services. Local authorities should bring in sophisticated communication technology and take a positive stance in promoting the computerization of administrative information, together with their coordinated use, the systemization of deskwork, and networking, while giving adequate regard to security in the handling of information.

2: Local authorities should work actively to promote the construct of an in-house LAN, the use of the Internet, the setting-up of information systems, and the construction of data bases. Local authorities should also cooperate with other local authorities to construct wide-area information networks.

3: Local authorities should work to improve their service to residents through the practical application of information systems and networks, for example, to make application procedures simpler and faster, over a wider area.

<Local authorities should also push forward the computerization and networking of the Basic Register of Residents, and work actively to introduce automatic issuance of documents such as resident cards and seal registration certificates.>





