日本財団 図書館

3 Extra-departmental bodies


(1) Extra-departmental bodies such as public corporations should be integrated or scrapped in line with regional conditions after consideration of the purpose of their establishment, the content of their work, and the state of operations, with regard to the socio-economic situation. The number of executives should also be reviewed in order to improve efficiency.


(2) When the establishment of a new public corporation is planned, full consideration should be made of whether the work can be done by the private sector or an already existing public cooperation.


(3) The Ministry of Home Affairs plans to show in another document guidelines on local public corporations based on the national government's action.


4 Control of personnel numbers and salaries


(1) Proper control of personnel numbers

1: New administrative demands should be met as a rule by relocating staff using the scrap-and-build method: local authorities should strive to reduce staff numbers and curb the increase of staff for proper control of personnel numbers.

2: To further promote the proper control of personnel numbers, local authorities should review activities and actively promote rationalization of organization, delegation to the private sector, computerization etc., making no exceptions for posts or sections.

3: Requisite regulations will be abolished or reduced by decentralization. To cope with this, local authorities should deploy staff appropriately to make a simple and efficient administrative system suited to regional conditions


(2)Review of the personnel rationalization plans

1: Local authorities should work to control personnel numbers in line with changes in the financial environment, not only through the steady implementation of plans for personnel rationalization for which there are fixed numerical targets, but also through the review of plans to reflect changing conditions. Local authorities which do not yet have a staff rationalization plan should draw up plans promptly and promote personnel rationalization.

2: In reviewing or drawing up personnel rationalization plans, local authorities should pay attention to 1 above and national personnel reduction plans, making use of the appropriate quota model and the numbers of personnel for other local authorities of similar type, taking into consideration the record of achievement of personnel rationalization in the past and future trends in administrative demand. The Ministry of Home Affairs is planning to draw up appropriate personnel quota models from a new perspective, including a model for core cities.





