日本財団 図書館

Review of Requisite Regulations


With regard to the requisite regulations under which local authorities are obliged by the national government to establish their organization and personnel, efforts will be made to promote their abolition or moderation, out of respect for the autonomous organizational rights of local authorities and from the perspective of greater integration and efficiency in administration.


With regard to requisite regulations, the following adjustments will be made so that action can be taken as soon as possible:

(a) For items that require the revision of a law, the necessary bills will be submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999.(47 items)

(b) For items that do not require the revision of a law, measures will be implemented during 1998. (13 items)

(c) Measures already adopted (14 items)

(d) Others (1 item)


Moreover, it has been decided that requisite regulations not based on law or on a government ordinance based on law, will be abolished by the end of the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999.


Specific Examples of the Revision of Requisite Regulations

Easing of requisite regulation relating to naming (So that facilities and work posts can be named freely.)

・Child counseling offices, rehabilitation and counseling offices for the mentally disabled, rehabilitation and counseling offices for the physically disabled

・Welfare officers for the mentally disabled, welfare officers for the physically disabled, child welfare officers
・(Related bills will be submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999.)


Abolition or reduction of requisite regulations relating to the qualifications, full-time duties, assignment criteria, etc. of facility staff (So that staff can be freely assigned.)

・Librarian qualification regulation (abolished) and full-time duty regulation (eased) for the directors of public libraries dependent on treasury subsidies

・Assignment criteria for librarians and assistant librarians of public libraries dependent on treasury subsidies (abolished)
(Related bills will be submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999.)

・Stipulation of the number of curators and assistant curators at public museums (abolished)

・Full-time duty regulation for the directors and managers of public halls (eased)
(Measures to be adopted during 1998.)


Abolition of requisite regulations in response to changes in socio-economic conditions

・Youth club managers, youth club teachers

・Agricultural land managers

・Public housing superintendents, renovated housing superintendents

・Council for Promotion of the Construction of New Industrial Cities
(Related bills will be submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999.)

・Health officers (measure completed)





