Promotion of Devolution
Devolution will be actively promoted, with authority transferred from the national government to prefectures or municipalities, and from prefectures to municipalities.
With regard to the transfer of authority, the following adjustments will be made so that devolution can be realized as soon as possible:
(a) For items that require the revision of a law, the necessary bills will be submitted to the ordinary session of the Diet in 1999. (38 items)
(b) For items that do not require the revision of a law, measures will be implemented during 1998. (16 items)
(c) Measures already adopted (7 items)
(d) Others (3 items)
Specific Examples of Authority Transfer
Transfer from national government to prefectures:
・Authority to grant permission for the conversion of agricultural land less than four hectares in area (currently less than two hectares) (measure already adopted; revised Agricultural Land Law promulgated on May 8 in 1998; to be implemented within six months)
・Authority to implement or lift designation of forest reserves, etc. (excluding national forests, etc.) (bill to be submitted to ordinary session of Diet in 1999)
Transfer from prefectures to designated cities:
・Authority to make urban planning decisions (excluding urban planning relating to urbanization zones and urbanization adjustment zones, etc.) (bill to be submitted to ordinary session of Diet in 1999)
Transfer from prefectures to cities with a population of more than 200,000 (see note):
・Authority to grant permission for development activities (bill to be submitted to ordinary session of Diet 1999)
・Authority to establish regulation standards relating to noise, foul smells, and vibration; to accept notifications from persons establishing specific facilities relating to the prevention of water contamination; to order plan changes; etc. (bill to be submitted to ordinary session of Diet in 1999)
Transfer from prefectures to cities and municipalities with welfare offices:
・Authority to set qualifications for receipt of child support allowance, etc, (bill to be submitted to ordinary session of Diet in 1999)
Transfer from prefectures to municipalities:
・Authority to make urban planning decisions (measures (government ordinance-related) to be adopted in 1998)