2. Prevention of disasters
The agency is working to establish a disaster management system to cope with natural disasters such as fire, earthquake and typhoon, and man-made disasters such as accidents at petrochemical complexes, etc.
・Earthquake preparations
Having learned a lesson from the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the agency is working to execute various programs, as follows:
Reassessment of basic regional plans for disaster prevention, which are the basis for the regional disaster prevention system
Elevation of residents' awareness with regard to disaster prevention in earthquakes
Strengthening of the system for collecting and transmitting information
Construction and maintenance of earthquake-proof facilities
Setting up of a wide-area system of assistance
On September 1st, Disaster Prevention Day, a comprehensive disaster prevention exercise is held, in which it is assumed that a major earthquake has hit the Tokai or South Kanto region.
・Strengthening of the disaster prevention information network
The agency has installed a disaster prevention system through the introduction of the most advanced information and communication technology, such as a satellite channel, an image transmission system and a seismic intensity information network. Using these systems, the necessary information can be transmitted immediately from the scene to the official residence of the Prime Minister via the Fire and Disaster Management Agency. The Agency is also improving the disaster prevention information network in order to provide appropriate information to local residents, so that local residents have access to appropriate regional information on a daily basis.
・Promoting fire defense and safety measures
Large-scale facilities, such as hotels, department stores and theaters, are issued with the "Teki Mark" sticker to indicate that the facility has a proper fire defense system.
As we face the aging society, so more efforts are being made to prevent house fires in order that elderly people do not fall victim to fire.
・Securing the safety of hazardous facilities
The agency takes every possible step using the latest technology to secure the safety of hazardous facilities such as oil complexes, which store and handle dangerous substances essential to our daily life.