・The scale of public enterprise accounts (FY 1996)
The scale of all public enterprise accounts corresponds to over 20% of the annual ordinary account expenditure of all local authorities.
Local Tax Bureau
This Bureau plans local tax systems, which are the basis of local autonomy, in the light of rapid and continuous socio-economic changes.
・Local taxes: The foundation of local autonomy
In order for local public administration to remain in close touch with local residents and be carried out smoothly as the responsibility of the local authority and the residents, and in order for it to be able to answer the needs of residents, it is very important that taxpayers pay their taxes close to home and keep an eye on how their taxes are being spent, so that local residents can better understand their local administration and be highly conscious of the costs and benefits. In this sense, local taxes are the foundation of local autonomy.
The bureau works to equalize the local tax burden and to enrich stable, flexible local tax resources.