日本財団 図書館

Local Administration Bureau


The growing movement towards decentralization; The Local Administration Bureau is trying to bring about a system of local autonomy in touch with the new era of decentralization, working to consolidate local government administrative arrangements and aiming at the promotion of decentralization and the establishment of local autonomy.


・Promotion of Decentralization

The national government attaches great importance to the four Recommendations from the Committee for the Promotion of Decentralization, and under the Decentralization Promotion Plan, it will submit relevant laws to the Diet in April 1999. It may be said that the movement towards decentralization has produced good results and reached the implementation stage.

In December 1997, with the Local Administrative Bureau at the core, the Ministry of Home Affairs formulated guidelines on the administrative functions of local authorities following the abolition of the delegated duty system. Cooperating with other ministries, the Ministry plays an important role in the national government in the promotion of the decentralization policy.

The Local Administrative Bureau will continue to participate actively in the promotion of decentralization from the viewpoint of the local authorities.


・Planning of local autonomy

The Local Administrative Bureau is in charge of planning and law making for the new local autonomy system and the new relationship between central and local government. In 1994, the 'Core City System' was established and now 21 cities are registered and expected to be leaders for local authorities wanting to promote decentralization. In 1997, the 'External Audit System' was introduced, enabling an audit contract to be entered into with an attorney or an accountant other than the existing Auditor. The implementation of an appropriate check system for local authorities is expected. In this way, the Local Administrative Bureau is now actively engaged in bringing about a new system of local autonomy fitted to the times.





