4. Emphasis on measure from a new perspective embracing decentralization
・Provide administrative services devised by the local authorities themselves under the principle of self-responsibility.
・Make administrative procedures simpler, more efficient and integrated.
・Show organizational independence and the appropriate control of staffing levels capable of responding to the revision or abolition of requisite regulations.
・Implement comprehensive human resources development.
・Delegate authority to municipalities and inter-regional public bodies.
5. Emphasis on measures to keep pace with financial reform
・Tackle reform exhaustively during the intensive reform period (fiscal 1998-fiscal 2000).
・Curb the total amount of subsidies through the formulation of a subsidy reduction plan.
・Improve the health of public finances by reducing and rationalizing expenditure and carrying out the systematic reform of organizations whose financial structures are deteriorating.
・Cut the cost of projects already planned or started.
・Check whether public halls etc., are being used effectively, the prospects for their use, and whether there is any overlap in their use.
6. Priority to the promotion of measures to facilitate a simpler and more efficient administrative system
・Give priority to the promotion of measures dealing with new issues.
・Rationalize staffing levels (cut staff and curb staff increase through a thorough implementation of a" scrap and build" program)
・Rationalize wages and salaries (rationalize allowances).
・Actively and systematically promote outsourcing to the private sector, and promote deregulation.
・Simplify and improve the efficiency of organizations and mechanisms, and integrate or abolish auxiliary organizations.
7. Tackle administrative reform positively from a wide-area perspective
・Strengthen inter-regional administrative structures (effective use of inter-regional public bodies)
・Hire and train staff from a wider area, promote personnel exchanges between local authorities, construct inter-regional information networks, and promote inter-regional coordination and use of public facilities.
8. Emphasis on reform that fosters the desire to serve; management sense; leadership in local government heads; improved public awareness in local government employees; and participation by local residents
→Improve the reception given to the public, standardize the service at service counters, integrate services, and improve services by making use of information systems.