日本財団 図書館

It is part of the overall program where other marginalized groups such as women, persons with other handicapping conditions and chronic diseases are assisted in coming back into the mainstream of society. The following are some of the activities that community organisations undertake to bring about such change.

・ Working with local healers: Every PAL was taken to a famous Goddess temple by a local healer and these PALs did not get any treatment except to spend money for ceremonies. So the community members prevailed on the healer to continue his methods but add modern treatment. In another community they convince the local healer to become an active member of the Farmers' Club. He then actively went from village to village and explained how healers like himself exploited people in the name of religion and showed how he performed his tricks to convince people.

・ Supporting persons who are unable to look after themselves: Occasionally there are patients who have no fingers. The members of the woman's club or their relatives cooked food for them and the community members helped such a person in tying their animals or helping in their agricultural activities.

・ Income generating activities: Money is the greatest equalizer in a community. In a given village there are hardly two or three who need substantial help in physical and economic rehabilitation. The VHWs and the community organisations help in identifying such persons, identifying suitable activities that the PALs can carry out and recommends them for grants or loans. The village organisations ensure that the money is properly utilized for the purpose it was given.

The common income generation programs are usually in keeping with what is normally possible in the village. Raising goats, poultry, buying and selling vegetables, running grocery or stationery stores, or improving the water supply for the farm are common income generation activities carried out by the PALs.

For an income generation program to be successful it is necessary to provide adequate grants and loans to those being rehabilitated.

・ Encouraging PALs to be active members of the community organisations. To enhance self esteem and dignity of PALs, they are encouraged to participate in all village activities including village political elections. The stigma of leprosy has totally been dispelled and PALs are active members in village councils, community organisations, cooperative societies etc.

・ The village people assist in the marriages PALs and their family members. In the villages in the CRHP area there is no hesitation of people willing to marry persons with or without deformity. The community organisations and VHW play an important role in dispelling fears and acting as matchmakers in such cases.

These are a few examples of how organized informed communities when empowered and trusted can address the social and economic problems of PALs to help them to join the mainstream of society and lead normal lives in dignity.

In conclusion may I suggest the following for your consideration:

・ Promote integration of leprosy work with other ongoing health and development programs.

・ Promote the integration of rehabilitation programmes with other non leprosy programmers.





