日本財団 図書館






[Unit and Visiting Country Name]

I, the undersigned [Full Name]

Legal parent/guardian of [full name]

a minor born on day of 19 having, as I do hereby, agree and grant that he/she be, from time to time, afforded and permitted to obtain sea training and permission to be on board any ships, vessels or craft of the Hosting Country Navy and of the Hosting Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation,or any other vessels or craft, and to obtain instruction at Hosting Sea Cadet camps, courses and parades, including transport by Hosting Country Defence Force vehicles, or any other vehicles, to or from or during such camps, courses and parades, do hereby indemnify the Hosting Country Govemment and all of its Departments and Officers, the Hosting Country Navy League and the Hosting Country Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation all and any of its. Officers and/or Instructors, any Foreign Govemments, its Departments and Officers, and/of any civilian shipping line and its Officers from and in respect of all claims, demands, loss or damage which I in my said capacity or individual capacity of the said minor may have or sustain in consequence of or arising out of the presence of the said minor at any time on board of, in or about any such ship, vessel, craft or at Hosting Sea Cadet/Organisation camps, courses and parades howsoever.


I hereby further authorise the Escort Officer of my son's/daughter's Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation or any Officer of the Hosting Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation or any person authorised by such Officer to act "in loco parentis" during any activities of the Hosting Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation or transportation to and from such activities, and give any consent required by hospital or medical authorities in respect of medical attention that may be deem necessary. I further waive any claim against any such Officer, appointee, that the Hosting Sea Cadet Corps/Organisation, the Hosting Navy League or the Hosting Country's Defence Force for any loss, damage or injury to his/her person arising from any reason whatsoever during such activities or travelling.






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