Society News
LECTURE MEETINGS HELD (Dec. 1997 through May 1998)
Study on Performance Prediction and Design Methods for Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engines........U. Komoda (Saitama University)
Performance Analysis for Stirling Engine (Behavior of Mechanism Efficiency)........K. Tunoda (Saitama University)
Performance Analysis for Low-Temperature-Difference Stirling Engine........N. Ouchi (Saitama University)
A Study on the Vapour Condensation in the Presence of Large Amount of Non-Condensable Gas........K. Shiozaki (Ship Research Institute)
Thermodynamic Evaluation of "Fukae-Maru" Propulsion........T. Nishino (Kobe University of Mercantile Marine)
NOx Emission characteristic of the Large Bore 2-Stroke Diesel Engines in the Layout Diagram........Y Nakamura (Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd)
Dynamic Characteristics of a Two-Stroke Slow Speed Diesel Engine with De-NOx System........J. Kondo (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd)
Studies on Electronical Control of Marine Diesel Engines with Total System........T. Takaishi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd)
Development of Ultra High Power High Speed Diesel Engine with Using Two Stage Turbocharger and Miller Systems........H. Nagasawa (Niigata Engineering Co, Ltd)
Prospects on System Energy Technologies to Reduce CO2 Emission........M. Hirata (Shibaura Institute of Technology, Emeritus, the Univ. of Tokyo)
Hydraulic Steering System with DDV Control........M. Itoh (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)
Study on Maintenance Based Marine Power System........I. Yoshimura (Tokyo University of Mercantile Marine)
A study on Marine Governor Considering Ship's Motion........T. Nakatani (Toyama National College of Maritime Technology)
Influence of Oil Viscosity to Oil Layer before Barrier on Water Flow........K. Ueda (Ship Research Institute)
Noise Caused by PWC (Personal Water Craft)........T. Kihara (Ship Research Institute)
High Frequency Power Supply in Induction Heating for Reduction of PM Using Complex Resonance........S. Kubota (Toba National College of Maritime Technology)