Electronically Controlled Clutch
By Yoshikatsu Tamori, Kazuyoshi Harada, Tadashi Nakajima
The fishing boat industry has a chronic shortage in the labor force due to bad working conditions. Improvement of the working environment and labor saving by automation are needed.
"Electronically Controlled Clutch" was developed to meet the above demands. We have been researching the required performance and function needs based on the mechatronics previously developed at our company and at the same time, improving our grasp of the market demand by going aboard different types of ships at different locations.
In this article, we will introduce the summary of a case study on mechatronics technology as applied to the propeller propulsion system.
-Reprinted from Journal of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 32, No. 4-
Diagnosis of Soot Formation and Decomposition in Diffusion Flames by Image Processing Method
By Osami Nishida, Hirotugu Fujita, Wataru Harano, Hirofumi Yamamoto, Hideki Uchida
It is purpose of this paper to understand from the two dimensional visualization by the soot volume fraction (maps), on account of increasing the accuracy of the time-space resolved measurements by YAG laser sheet method. The YAG laser sheet (50 mm x 0.5 mm) of wavelength 532 nm (22 mJ/pulse) is used as the light source for Mie's theory. The visualization of soot particles is realized by an ICCD camera via a high-speed gated image intensifier. A framework of this paper is held from examination of the apparatus for its validity, and the application in the case of actual flame by YAG laser sheet method. The measured results lead to the following conclusions.
(1) For estimating the soot volume fraction (fs: cm3/cm3) from the intensity of the light scattered [count) scatt.] by soot particles. Preliminary experiments using steady flame are carried out for the verification of the experimental equation.
fs = 1.00 x 10-10 + 4.53 x 10-9 x counts) scatt.
(2) Soot concentration increases rapidly along flame sheet where flame-eddy is formed with accelerated speed. But, the decay of soot concentration is more rapid in the eddy-breakdown region near the fuel-lean zone.
(3) Soot burnout at inner part of flame front becomes higher in the higher gradient of diffusion flame front.
keywords: Soot formation and decomposition, Soot maps, YAG laser, G. Mie's theory, Rapid combustion.
-Reprinted from Journal of the M.E.S.J., Vol. 32, No. 5-