日本財団 図書館

2) The super-long stroke engine, Kawasaki MAN B&W 6S50MC-C type engine, which is reduced by about 10% in overall length, about 5% in height, and about 10% in weight, and increased by about 10% in output, compact in size and high in output, was developed, and its assembly was started. The 6S46MC-C type engine is the first model in the world, and the type approval test by classification societies was carried out in February, 1998. To achieve high output with the compact engine, the novel design was adopted including the twin stay bolt, aluminum metal, deep cylinder cover, and the high-top land piston to secure the reliability, and at the same time, the roller guide housing was integrated with the cylinder frame, and the connection ratio was optimized to realize the compact structure.

Table 2.4.2-1 indicates the main particulars of 6S50MC-C engine, and 6S46MC-C engine, and Fig. 2.4.2-1 shows the design philosophy of MC-C type engine, and the major changes in design from the existing engine S50MC.


Table 2.4.2-1 Principal Particulars of 6S50MC and 6S46MC-C Type Engines




3) As a part of the studies on the air pollution prevention from ships, the research was commissioned from Association for Structural Improvement of the Shipbuilding Industry, and the research and development of the new deNOx system for marine use has been implemented with hydrocarbon as the reducing agent since fiscal 1993.

The fiscal 1997 is the final fiscal year of the research and development, and the test apparatus was equipped on board the car carrier M/V OLYMPIAN HIGHWAY, which has been engaged in service, and the on-board test was carried out using a part of the exhaust gas from the main engine, and the confirmatory test of the performance and durability of the denitration catalyst was carried Out. (Refer to Photos 2.4.2-1 and 2.4.2-2)



Photo 2.4.2-1 Test Apparatus





(2) Number and horsepower of main engines for marine use




(3) Rationalization of Production Facility

To cope with the increase of engines in number, the exclusive assembly line for the engines of 50 cm class in cylinder bore was constructed. This system is epoch-making in the assembly of heavy works, where the engines up to 300 tons in weight are assembled in the assembly-line system through the roller bearing.





