日本財団 図書館

H. Educational and Recreational Services


a) Educational Service


As mentioned earlier in this paper, with the subsidy from the Ministry of Education, all Local Governments have a variety of educational services for their senior citizens. In general, they are provided as a part of the adult education program. Some Prefectural Governments as well as Local Governments have special programs and/or facilities for this service. Among them, Inamino-Gakuen (the Inamino School for Senior Citizens) of Hyogo Prefecture in western part of Japan is very famous for its excellent programs and good facilities.


b) Community Welfare Centers for the Elderly


The main function of Community Welfare Centers for the Elderly is to provide recreational and educational services for the elderly. Most of them have a room and facilities for rehabilitation training. Most of them also have a free public bath. In addition, many centers provide counseling service. At present (October 1, 1996) there are approximately 2,230 such centers throughout Japan. The construction of these institutions is subsidized by the National Government.

In addition to the Community Welfare Centers for the Elderly, there are quite a number of small-scale neighborhood welfare centers for the elderly ("Rojin Ikoino Ie" - literally translated,"Rest and Relaxation House for the Elderly"). They are serving as places for older persons to visit together and enjoy various recreational activities. At present (October 1, 1996) there are approximately 4,560 such centers throughout Japan. When the local government constructs these houses, they can obtain low-interest loans from the National Government.


c) Old People's Clubs


Information on Old People's Clubs has already been given in a previous part of this paper. Therefore, please refer to p.116.


I. Programs to Provide Opportunities to be Engaged in Gainful Occupations

Generally speaking, Japanese older persons, especially male older persons, want to continue to work as long as possible to live a meaningful life as well as to have extra income. In order to meet these needs, the following services are provided through a national subsidy.





