日本財団 図書館

d) National Sheltered Housing Program


In the light of the predicted sharp increase in the number of the elderly living alone or aged couples living by themselves in the community, it is quite clear that a special type of housing whose structure and facilities are specially designed to accommodate frail and/or impaired elderly should be developed, so that such older persons may continue to live independently in the community. If we fail to supply such housing in sufficient quantity, the demand for institutional care services will unnecessarily expand instead, a trend which will be much more costly for society than providing such housing for the elderly. Needless to say, to assist people to be as independent as possible is one of the most important goals for all human services.

However, due to the serious shortage of public housing for middle-aged wage-earners, our government has hardly been able to spare any funds for public housing program for the elderly. In 1988 our National Government finally decided to start the National Sheltered Housing Program for the Elderly.

I hope that this important program will develop fast enough, so that in the future the elderly may not unnecessarily be institutionalized only because they cannot find adequate housing in which to live independently.


e) National Registration System of Trained Careworkers


In 1988 the National Registration System of Trained Careworkers was put into practice, and the first national examination was held in early 1989. The aim of this system is to improve the quality of careworkers, and there-by secure better services for frail and impaired persons living in the community and also in various types of institutions.

Another reason why our National Government started this program is to make preparations for the anticipated growth of private care service agencies. Until recently, the National Government was reluctant to do anything for the development of care services by for-profit agencies. However, partially because of the slow development and inefficiency of the home-help service provided by local governments, the National Government changed its attitude.





