田畑 泉 樋口 満
Effects of swimming training on peak oxygen uptake and lumbar bone
mineral density of middle aged and elderly working women.
Izumi TABATA and Mitsuru HIGUCHI
This investigation examined the effects of long term swimming training on peak oxygen uptake
and lumbar bone mineral density in middle-aged to elderly working women. The subject were
instructed by two experienced swimming coaches for approximately one hour between 6 p.m. and
8 p.m. on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The average swimming distance varied from 750 m for
non-experienced subjects to 1650 m for subjects with sufficient swimming experience. Overall, 118
women participated in this study. However, only 11 subjects (9%) participated more than 1.5
times a week in the swimming training. Seventy-five Percent of the subjects participated in the
training at rate of less than once a week. The peak oxygen uptake during walking and running on
a treadmill was measured before and after one year of swimming training. A significant increase
in peak oxygen uptake (pre:32.5±2.5 ml/kg/min, post:34.3±3.0 ml/kg/min, p<0.05) was
observed in subjects (age:59±5 yr, n=10) who participate in the swimming training more than
1.5 times a week for one year. There were no changes in peak oxygen uptake in subjects who
participated in the swimming training 1.0 to 1.5 times a week (age:56±6 yr, n=19, pre:32.8±
5.3 ml/kg/min, post:33.7±5.8 ml/kg/min) or less than once a week (age:57±7 yr, n=27, pre:
31.4±6.2 ml/kg/min, post:31.5±5.8 ml/kg/min). The bone mineral density (measured with
DEXA method) of the subjects who participated in the training at 1.03±0.30 times a week for two
years did not increase (age:59±5 yr, n=8, pre:0.811±0.132 g/cm2,
post:0.820±0.127 g/cm2).
There was also no change in lumbar bone mineral density of the less frequent participants (0.25±
0.20 times a week, age:62±4 yr, n=10, pre:0.874±0.146 g/cm2,
post:0.880±0.165 g/cm2).
However, the lumbar bone mineral density relative to the sedentary control (Z value) was signifi
cantly elevated in subjects who participated in swimming training frequently (pre:98.9±15.3%,
post:102.1±15.5%). In conclusion, the present investigation showed that peak oxygen uptake
increased in the middle-aged to elderly working women who participated in swimming training at
a rate of more than 1.5 times a week for one year. Secondly, this study suggests that swimming
training may promote healthy aging of lumbar bone mineral density in women.
(Rep. Res. Cent. Phys. Ed. 27 : 103-108, 1998)
国立健康・栄養研究所健康増進部 Division of Health Promotion, National Institute of Health and Nutrition
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