日本財団 図書館

Article 30 The gyoji shall observe the following when the match is in progress:
(1) The gyoji shall ensure that he does not step on the shobu-dawara or the janome.
(2) The gyoji shall see to it that he does not turn his back to the shomen.
(3) The actions of the gyoji shall be swift and nimble, in order not to obstruct the movements of the athlete.
(4) The gyoji shall be in a position, angle, or form where a decision can be clearly made.

Article 31 At the beginning and end of the team competition, the gyoji shall line up the athlete of the east and west and the athlete shall bow at the command, "Rei (Bow)." The gyoji shall stand in the basic position during these standing courtesies.

Article 32 The judges shall line up in their designated places in the dohyo-damari and bow standing at the command of the gyoji when they enter or exit.

Article 33 The judges shall rotate their positions according to the following rules:
(1) The judges for the first match shall stand and bow at their respective seats at the command of the gyoji. They shall then move to their designated places in the dohyo-damari and line up there.
(2) The judges for the next match shall line up at the designated place in the dohyo-damari and shall stand and bow at the command of the gyoji and move to their respective refereeing seat.
(3) When all judges have moved to their proper locations the gyoji for the next match shall give the command for standing courtesies and the rotation is completed.
(4) The gyoji shall stand in the basic position when he gives the commands for standing courtesies as described in (1) and (3).

Chapter 4 Revisions to the Regulations of Refereeing

Article 34 Revisions to the refereeing regulations are made by the Competitions Committee and their recommendations are sent to the Board of Directors of the International Sumo Federation for further deliberation and final approval.


Supplementary Rules
These regulations shall take effect from April 1, 1997.

Supplementary Rules
These regulations shall take effect from October 22, 1998.



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