日本財団 図書館

Article 7 1. When the head judge observes a false tachiai, he shall raise his right hand immediately and stop the match.
2. In the case of the above the tachiai shall be repeated immediately.
3. The decision on whether a tachiai was correctly or incorrectly carried out shall be left to the judgment of the head judge.

Article 8 With the exception of special rules, the following determines who is the winner of a match:
(1) The athlete who pushes his opponent out of the shobu-dawara (rice-bale boundary circle).
(2) The athlete who forces any part of his opponent's body, other than the soles of his feet, to touch the dohyo.

Article 9 1. When the opposing athlete is in shinitai (completely lost his center of balance), it is not a loss even if the following applies:
(1) An athlete touches the dohyo with his hand slightly before the opposing athlete.
(2) An athlete steps out of the dohyo slightly before the opposing athlete.
2. Above items (1) and (2) are referred to as kabaite and kabaiashi respectively.

Article 10 It is okuriashi, which is not a loss, when an athlete steps out of the dohyo while lifting his opponent out of the dohyo with his legs suspended in the air and puts him down outside of the shobu-dawara. However, he loses the match if he carries out the move by stepping out of the dohyo backward.

Article 11 It is not a loss, if the orikomi (front fold) of a mawashi (loincloth belt) touches the dohyo.

Article 12 When a match is won using a throwing technique, etc., it is not a loss if the instep of the athlete who does the throwing curls in and touches the dohyo.

Article 13 An athlete may be determined the loser of a match according to deliberations by the judges, if the following apply:
(1) If it has been determined that the athlete is no longer able to continue in the match due to injury.
(2) If it has been determined that the athlete has used kinjite (prohibited moves).
(3) If the athlete arbitrarily ends a match.
(4) If the judges have determined the athlete did not jump-off deliberately.
(5) If the athlete does not abide by the judges' instructions.
(6) If the maebukuro (front pouch part) of a mawashi becomes loosened and comes off during the match.
(7) If the athlete does not appear in dokyo-damari (waiting area) after being called twice by the broadcasting staff.



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