日本財団 図書館

6.5 Information update rates for autonomous mode:

The different information types are valid for a different time period and thus need a different update rate.


Static information: Every 6 min and on request

Dynamic information: Dependant on speed and course alteration according to Tabele 1

Voyage related information: Every 6 min, ehin data has veen amended and on request

Safety related message: As reqiored


Ship Reporting Capacity - the system should be able to handle a minimum of 2000 reports per min to adequately provide for all operational scenarios envisioned.


6.6 Security:

A security mechanism should be provided to detect disabling and to prevent unauthorised alteration of input or transmitted data. To protect the unauthorized dissemenation of data, the IMO guidelines (Guidelines and Criteria for Ship Reporting Systems) should be followed.




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