日本財団 図書館



The International Workshop on Exchange Processes Between the Arctic Shelves and Basins was held in Yokohama, Japan during 17-19 February 1998. The purpose was to discuss in some detail the means by which exchange occurs between the arctic shelves and basins, together with the consequences of that exchange. In particular we wanted to identify the likely processes that drive or modify the exchanges, with an emphasis on dynamics and rates;and explore the role of such exchanges in the larger picture of ocean climate and circulation, and of biogeochemical cycling.

Major topics discussed during the workshop included:

(1)boundary currents and their dynamics;

(2)fronts, eddies, plumes, and upwelling on a variety of scales;

(3)the role of shelf and slope processes in water mass formation and modification;

(4)the resultant ventilation of basin waters;

(5)the effects of shelf processes on the arctic water cycle and on salinity stratification; and

(6)the role of shelf-basin exchanges in interchanges between the Arctic Ocean and the seas to the south.

Forty-five scientists from five countries participated. There were four overviews and 27 other presentations. Together with the extensive plenary discussions, the presentations dealt not only with a considerable variety of shelf-basin exchanges processes and their consequences, but they also looked toward national and international research programs that could be implemented during the next few years.

These proceedings present the extended abstracts of the 31 presentations together with summaries of the daily plenary discussions that explored the main themes. We are indebted to the chairs of the plenary sessions and to all who participated and helped make the workshop successful. We are also grateful to the Science and Technology Agency of Japan and the Nippon Foundation for their generous sponsorship of the workshop.


Knut Aagaard and Toshi Takizawa, Workshop Organizers





