日本財団 図書館

With the increase in healthy older people now wishing to enjoy the best time of their lives, the competitive edge between travel firms goes to those who can plan and provide this market segment with the most fulfilling travel experience.

Because Japanese society is aging, from now on, it is the healthy older person over 50 who is most expected to take an overseas trip. Traveler numbers from this age group are estimated to increase remarkably.


As for the younger generations (students and single men and women) the number of travelers is also on increase. In particular, individual travel is becoming more popular.

Students tend to go for a more free travel style only requiring an air and hotel deal. Single people too seem to prefer this style but, as they cannot take as many days off as students, they choose destinations which are cheaper, closer and can be seen in fewer days.

Because it is usually the parents who pay for student trips, this travel segment is especially susceptible to the economic situation. For this coming spring holiday, numbers have dropped a little.


3) What factors are important for the future of Japanese overseas travel?

The reflection of change in Japanese life style on travel styles.

Japan is surrounded by sea so all its borders are determined by water. Therefore the major form of transport is by air and, to a small extent, by sea which also includes cruise tourism.

Apart from the fact that Japanese people have become far better off, another major reason why so many are traveling overseas freely is due to a change in lifestyles away from the pre-war traditional style to the convenience of more Western styles.


・ They are more familiar with using hotels and sleeping on beds.

・ Their taste in food has become far more varied.

・ They are able to acquire overseas information more easily through





