日本財団 図書館

資 料 6


18〜39歳既婚男女は保養・休養 女性はやはりショッピング




Married people aged 18 to 39 want to rest and relax while women in general want to shop.

By age, sex and marital status, the most popular purpose of travel was enjoying nature and scenery while visiting well-known historical sites and architecture was also high on the list for each segment, indicating that the preference for sightseeing is strong.

By market segment, some interesting findings came to light: more than other segments, singles tended to want to attend concerts, live clubs or other musical events or learn a foreign language or obtain technical knowledge. Married people of both sexes aged 18 to 39 tended to want rest and relaxation, but once they reach the age of 40 or more, their desire for sightseeing was found to be stronger. Women of all categories were more interested than men in shopping, fashion and famous hotels.




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