日本財団 図書館

24. Consumer protection information system


A system whereby information on merchandise that is useful for consumer protection such as fluctuations in product prices and business transactions is provided to a wide variety of consumers through information network equipment.


25. Technological development support information system for small and medium enterprises


A system whereby information is provided on patents, techniques and equipment facilities as well as research and development for small and medium enterprises through information network equipment such as personal computers and facsimiles.


26. Industry information system


A system whereby information is provided on documents, capable personnel, corporations and recruitment through information network equipment such as personal computers and facsimiles.


27. Shopping district information system


A system whereby commercial advertisements, fashion information, and guides to shopping districts are provided through information network equipment such as videotex or CATV.


28. On-line ordering system


A system designed to promote efficiency in the distribution industry by connecting the parties ordering and receiving merchandise, using information network equipment such as VAN or personal computers, in order to enable ordering, delivery and settlement of accounts to be carried out automatically.





