日本財団 図書館

Researches into preventive measures for icing on ship equipment


Ships navigating the polar seas are subject to icing and snow-icing, and there often takes place“top heavy"or weight increase of ship's superstructures due to ice accretion. Top heavy is a potential cause of capsize. To prevent marine disasters stemming from icing, most of the ships navigating the polar seas are built according to "polar sea" specifications. During the course of navigation, the ship's crew make every possible effort to prevent icing; yet, they are oftentimes forced to remove accreted ice with a hammer. This topic has been tackled by many researchers at home and abroad; and they have so far elucidated mechanism of icing, specifying external conditions that help icing‐paticular conditions of weather and sea in specific waters, etc.


Taking icing into consideration, shipbuilders design ships not to lose stability on account of icing. Thus, potent countermeasures against ice that develops on the ship's hull are devised, and the safety of ship in this sense ensured to a considerable extent. However, effective preventive measures have yet to be hammered out as far as icing on equipment installed/mounted on the deck are concerned, such as radars, dinghies, raft, and SOS transmitters.


Consequently, we have decided to undertake researches into development of preventive measures for icing on onboard equipment. We plan to visit institutes/organizations overseas that boast expertise or experience as per attached, according to which we would like to have an interview with the people concerned.




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